Shower Filters for Healthier Skin & Hair

We want to let you in on a little beauty secret. Nope, it’s not a new moisturizer, or some sort of crazy amazing facial. Lean in, you’ll want to hear this.

Shower Filters.

Yes! You heard us right – Shower. Filters.

You can’t be that surprised!

I mean, think about it. You get a nice steamy shower going. It’s been a long day at work, and you want to wash all your stress (and the sweat from a Hong Kong commute) off and finish the night feeling clean and new.

Your pores open up, you step under the water, and then BAM!

Your hair & skin gets completely soaked in unfiltered, harsh, chemical treated tap water that’s just come straight from the public water treatment facility, through some industrial pipes, and all of your body.

Not so appealing, is it?

Well, it’s not great for your hair and skin either.

We’ve discussed in a previous post the general benefits of using a shower filter. Chlorine alone, which is used in Hong Kong to disinfect public water, and which the government admits exist in trace amounts in our tap water, can easily damage your skin & hair cells.

If you’ve ever known someone who was a competitive swimmer, you’d know how the constant contact with chlorine from the pool harm hair & skin, making it look and feel dry, damaged, and coarse.

On top of that, steamy showers, which feel great, makes it easier for us to breathe in the contaminants in water. So really you’re getting nice big breaths of chlroine, chloramine (a mixture of chlorine & ammonia) and trihalomethanes (such as chloroform) as you belt out your in-the-shower songs. (Adele’s got nothing on you!)

But, hey, it’ll be ok!

There’s a solution to making your showers actually good for your hair, skin  and body again. Shower Filters like our WaterChef Premium Shower Filtration System make it super easy to remove dangerous contaminants from your daily shower routine.

And by removing those contaminants, it actually makes your hair & skin feel and look better! Even beauty magazines like Allure admit this!

But don’t just take our word for it…

Check out these testimonials from very happy users of our WaterChef Shower Filter:

“After moving here from the states, I found that the water in HK really affected my hair and skin condition. A lot of my hair would fall out after showering. After installing the shower filter, my hair already feels softer after one wash! I also noticed the water being softer and my skin feels smoother too!” – Caroline

“Took only minutes for this to be installed. Water doesn’t smell anymore and is noticeably cleaner. Shower head that comes with the filter works well. should have had this installed earlier!” – Robert

“We like the filter so much already that we’ve just ordered another one for our other bathroom, and I am ordering one for my mother-in-law’s home as well! Thanks again!” – Melanie

So what are you waiting for?

Get healthier hair, skin & body right now! Shop WaterChef Premium Shower Filtration System.

4 Ways to Healthier Skin and Hair

Living in a big city like Hong Kong can cause damage to our skin & hair in many ways. Stress, pollution, and harsh water can strip the nutrients needed to maintain that healthy glow.

Here are four simple ways we recommend to achieve better skin & hair.

1. Drink more water

Our skin cells contain a lot of water, and the more hydrated we are, the better the cells appear. According to WebMD, “Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration…”

Want to know a trick to make sure you stay hydrated? Get a large water bottle and make marks on the outside of how much water you aim to drink by different times throughout the day. Make sure you meet those goals.

And of course, when drinking water, make sure it is the healthiest form of it. Tap water contains many unwanted minerals and chemicals that can be filtered out with a simple filter like these WaterChef and Aquasana drinking water filters.

2. Use a shower filter

Water with lots of minerals and chemicals (like chlorine) can damage your skin, and make your hair rough and more likely to be dry and tangled.

Using a shower filter such as the Aquasana Premium Shower Filter or the WaterChef Premium Shower Filtration System will drastically improve how your hair and skin look and feel.

3. Choose a sensitive, natural soap

Many soaps and shampoos nowadays contain harsh ingredients that will dry out and hurt your skin and hair. Read the ingredients and opt for natural, safe ones.

For example, our favourite hand soap is the Soapnut Republic foaming hand soap, which comes in three different scents.

4. Take your Vitamins

What goes into your body also effects what your skin and hair will look like. According to Reader’s Digest Health, make sure to take Vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K to help your body look great from the outside. Other than taking supplements, here are some foods that are rich in each of those vitamins:

Vitamin A – Dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes, carrots, fish

Vitamin B – Cereals, legumes, dark leafy greens, chicken, fish

Vitamin E – Dark leafy greens, nuts, avocados, shellfish

Vitamin K – Dark leafy greens, asparagus, soybeans, dried fruit

As you can see, dark leafy greens appears in every category, so you can bet that if you eat a lot of healthy vegetables, you will see it impact your skin and hair.